At BriteWash, we believe in the wise use of resources and protection of our planet. As a brand-new operation, we promise to keep our carbon footprint as small as possible. Conservation and sustainability are instilled in our everyday practices, from protecting our Chesapeake Bay water-shed, to selecting the best systems that reduce our water and energy usage, to recycling bins. We are always looking for more ways to promote a healthy environment in the world around us.

We seek to inspire our team members and customers to join us in caring for our planet. We know that if we handle the planet with care, the planet will take care of us for generations to come. Below are some of our numerous sustainability efforts:
  • Super sophisticated Water-reclaim system providing the very highest reuse of water among any car wash operation
  • Ozone-based washers that:
    • operate on cold-water,
    • reduce water use by 33%,
    • decrease the need for detergents,
    • reduces phosphates flowing into storm water drains that eventually flow down our Potomac River into the Chesapeake Bay
  • Non-corrosive chemistry (e.g., environmentally-friendly citrus-based cleaning products) for our Exterior Wash car cleaning process
  • Energy efficient LED lighting
  • Solar window film installations
  • Recycling program for waste
  • Electric power obtained via Green-Energy purchasing
Upon opening, BriteWash operations will join state-level sustainability programs.